Knowing how much upholstery fabric you need for your upholstery project is never an easy guess.
We recommend asking the upholsterer or person doing the upholstery how much upholstery fabric they think you will need. This is because we all work slightly differently.
It is always good that they can see the piece of furniture that you want upholstered and measure it in person.
When upholstering a piece of furniture, it is important to consider the pattern repeat of the fabric. Taking this into consideration means that the pattern should fall in the correct place on the furniture.
We have a rough guide of how much upholstery fabric you will need for an upholstery project. Please note that these are very rough and do not take the pattern repeat of the fabric into consideration.
We simply provide these so you can have a rough idea to work on so you can work out a rough budget and know what price per metre you can consider and whether we will have enough of particular upholstery fabrics in stock before asking for fabric samples.
We would still recommend asking your upholsterer and not basing your purchase solely on this guide.