Hessian fabric is used in a variety of different ways, but it is more commonly used in rural environments – such as being used to help transport food produce. Whilst it is more traditional to use Hessian for sacks, you can also use it in other creative ways.
In this blog, we explore four other ways in which you can use burlap.
Whether you are new to creating fabric designs for your home, or you are an experienced sewer, using Hessian to make a tablecloth can be a creative and fun challenge. If you are more experienced, this idea can be made more complicated for you by adding more detail into your design. This design compliments the “rustic” appearance of natural wood and other light earthy tones.
For those wishing to make their hessian napkin more personalised, you can include detailed patterns into the main body of the fabric or add a stylish feature to the edge of the fabric. Other types of fabric can be used in this piece, such as Elderberry and Ivory. Other fabrics can be considered but we would advise trying to keep to a natural style as to maintain the rustic feel.
This idea can have multiple uses. The hessian pouch allows you to use your own creativity in multiple ways. A hessian pouch has multiple uses, such as:
- A decorative piece within your home
- A creative way to store beans or grains
- A small pouch in which to present a gift, like jewellery
The hessian pouch allows you to use your own creation in multiple ways.
This idea can be executed by amateurs as the pouch is simply a smaller version of a hessian sack.
Your decorative burlap sack can be personalised by including things such as a pull cord by incorporating a piece of twine in the piece and a pull handle.
For those who wish to add a touch of colour into their home, then this design is perfect. The earthy tone of the hessian fabric only goes to amplify the bright bold colour of any flower you decide to plant.
Just like the Hessian Seed Pouch mentioned above, you can decide to decorate the burlap jute bag further by incorporating a pull cord made from twine. The pull cord can either be neatly tied into a bow or woven into the flowerpot to finish off the design.
The flower bouquet is a simple design in which you can create, however, leaves a lasting impression. The bouquet can be used as part of your home or business decoration that only requires a fresh set of dry flowers every 6 to 12 months. The flower bouquet is a fairly cheap and easy piece that provides a colourful way to brighten up your home.
And if you would like to find out more about how we can help you incorporate new fabric ideas in your home, contact us or give us a call on 01604 875 062.